Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Flying home tomorrow afternoon.

Packing seems effortless, which scares me coz I may forget something.

What am I feeling now?

Lots of things I suppose, but not mixed in a good way like a wonderful cocktail but more like when you blend stuff together without the lid on. In other words, more like a mess.

Things always get complicated when your relationship takes the inevitable turn to a long distance relationship. You have committed too much to let it go despite how much you despise the thought of LDR.

I'm reluctant to think about the future yet it plagues my mind every idle moment I have. I think people always focus on the worst case scenario when things may not turn out to be that bad in actual case. But it's just human nature and being the pessimist that I'm, my brain just goes to overdrive churning on such thoughts.

I think I'm just worried that I will end up lonely and depressed when I fly back here the next semester. I need to work on my social skills more so that I won't grow mouldy and rot at home on weekends and holidays. Le sigh..

Good day mate! Hope I'm off to a good start.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Size matters

Since the beginning of my stay in Melbourne, I have planned to reserve my IMAX experience for the Transformers sequel. Actually the IMAX theather is just right outside my apartment, but since one ticket costs a whoooooooping 17.50AUD, I wouldn't risk it on some random bla movie. They actually show stuff like Night in the Musuem on IMAX.

The IMAX theather here is definitely much better than the one in Time Square back home. Basically, it boasts a screen which is 7 stories high, and the cinema condition overall is much nicer. For 17.50AUD, we thought we'd get the best customer service but apparently the tickets do not come with seat numbers!! So being the kiasu people that we always are, we started queueing up for entrance at 215pm when the show was supposed to start at 3pm! Btw, the locals are pretty kiasu as well :P I thought we'd be the earliest birds.

The theather was full to the brim on a Friday afternoon! Don't people need to work? There were people sitting right in front. Imagine arching your neck up a 7 story high screen for 2.5 hours.

The movie was alright for me. I thought that there were too many I-love-you scenes between Megan Fox and lover boy. Sorta like a mushy script between two teenagers in a sappy love story. Come on man! Plus there was waaaay too many Megan Fox slow motion running in the desert scenes and sometimes it feels like their trying abit too hard to put in some unessecary humour into the movie. Nevertheless, watching the transformers transform and do their thing never fails to put me in awe. I would watch it again anytime, but in Malaysia of course! :P

On a different note, I was ordered by the alpha female authority at home not to visit crowded places eg. cinemas (failed), clubs (failed), bars (failed) before returning home to Malaysia. Just 3 more days to go before I fly home and get looked upon as a threat to the country coz everyone's freaking out about H1N1! Woo hoo, welcome home to my home country where I'm supposed to feel safe and secure. Can't wait.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

First post

Writters block?!!

I can't seem to write anything!

I think I need to get used to this, writing down my own thoughts and knowing that people are going to be reading it.

There you go Jin... My blog!

Anyways, it's my first day post exams and I have absolutely no idea what to do! I'm just sitting in front of my comp playing Restaurant City. How sad is that!

On the other hand, I'm not too sure if I'm that keen on going home anymore! The swine flu scare in Malaysia has made us homecoming students especially from Melbourne a threat to safety. I only have 2 weeks at home and if I need to spend one week quarantined in my own house, what's the point of going home?!

Oh well, I can't seem to think of anything else to pen down. heh heh.. :P I seem to have lots of thing to say at night before I fall asleep, but I can't seem to remember anything now.

So.. until I remember something.. :P

Where I spend most of my time :)