Thursday, June 25, 2009

First post

Writters block?!!

I can't seem to write anything!

I think I need to get used to this, writing down my own thoughts and knowing that people are going to be reading it.

There you go Jin... My blog!

Anyways, it's my first day post exams and I have absolutely no idea what to do! I'm just sitting in front of my comp playing Restaurant City. How sad is that!

On the other hand, I'm not too sure if I'm that keen on going home anymore! The swine flu scare in Malaysia has made us homecoming students especially from Melbourne a threat to safety. I only have 2 weeks at home and if I need to spend one week quarantined in my own house, what's the point of going home?!

Oh well, I can't seem to think of anything else to pen down. heh heh.. :P I seem to have lots of thing to say at night before I fall asleep, but I can't seem to remember anything now.

So.. until I remember something.. :P

Where I spend most of my time :)




  2. hahaha! Later one post then nothing d.. :P

  3. Hi! Keep it up! Im happy being a Blogger! Check Mine...Even though its in Spanish!
